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It’s that time of year again. The last two weeks have seen quite a bit of activity from the late summer species, especially the boletes, but also Brittlegills, Parasols and Agaricuses. In the last two days that activity has ratcheted up a notch, and that’s before the effect of the torrential rain and dropping temperatures starts to kick in. So it’s all looking good for the start of September. The forecast for next weekend is for more wet weather, but after that the long term forecast is looking better, and those conditions should be pretty much perfect for the start of the main show this year.
I also have some news about my forthcoming book. The publisher is now going to be Green Books, who are the UK’s largest and leading independent publisher of books in a very broad category of “environmentalism”. The release date is likely to be at the end of 2016, and the book itself is going to be even more comprehensive than originally planned, featuring over 300 species and extending the geographical range to cover important European species that are not yet recorded in the UK.